What Unemployment Brings to China Fifteen years ago, the word "unemployment" was regarded as the most estranged word and the patent of capitalism. It is all of a sudden for millions of Chinese workers, especially in textile,to find that their ever well profited factories nearly bankrupt and themselves unemployed. Some criticize it as a cruel killer to the security of society. However, the advantages of "unemployment", in my opinion, outweigh the disadvantages in the long To begin with, "unemployment" readjusts the industrial structure of the state-owned enterprises, which shows more and more defects. It is undeniable that products made in China have less competitive power compared with imported ones. Because the whole structure of our industry is labour intensive, which is now tangled with high cost and low efficiency. The first initiative to solve the problem, ruthless but useful, is to cut down the extra workers, which, in effect, save some dying enterprises from the edge of bankruptcy and enhance their efficiency and competitiveness. "Unemployment" in some traditional industries, on the contrary, stimulates the development of some new industries, such as service industry, which create many jobs for those layoffs,which, in turn, stimulate the industry to prosper, as becomes an increasingly important part of the social economy. Another profound influence "unemployment" brings is that it has uprooted the traditional outdated modes of thought, carved in our minds, fiercely and thoroughly, that a lifelong job no longer exists. The era of planned economy has come to its end.Tough competition has terminated the security of job and one should prepare himself for the corresponding transformation of society. "Run, or lose" becomes the golden rule of commodity economy. Amazingly, more and more layoffs took the lesson,made proper adjustment and then find themselves new positions. "Unemployment", as an unavoidable economic phenomenon, is pounding on our out dated social system strongly. It is like a rainstorm that uproots the traditional modes of thought and brings life to the diversified industries, transforming the traditional industries and washing away the deep-rooted but outdated thoughts. Face it properly and we will have a shining future.
简 评 失业下岗作为市场经济一个不可回避的现象,成为经济体制改革的热点。如何看待下岗现象,失业下岗的积极作用何在,这是文章所要告诉我们的。 习作的结构紧凑,论说有力。乐颖毅同学能把失业下岗的现象和服务业在市场经济框架下的蓬勃发展联系起来看,找出其中的逻辑关系和互动性。并且指出这些事实和现象的背后是更深一层的思想形态的变革,是旧的思维模式的破碎和新的模式的确立。这样就构成了一个完整的论述,在最后一段把“失业”比作暴风雨,正以其强大的势头,冲刷着长期以来的传统观点,把论述推向了高潮。 文章的构思新颖,谋篇巧妙,段与段之间有紧密的逻辑关系,使整个论述显得简洁、有力。但不足的是每一点上的论述应再细化深入一点,有些用词表达不够准确、生动。 (点评教师:卢爱华)